Acquire Credit’s mission is to help people realize their financial ambitions. Acquire Credit aims to become a one-stop shop for personal finances and their products are designed to work better together. Acquire Credit constantly innovates and builds new ways to give members what they need to make that happen.
Acquire Credit had almost no “investing” brand recognition or visibility because digital lending is a relatively new product category. Acquire Credit needed a website with content depth required to meet the needs of users and the potential customers that were actively searching online. They needed a website with product pages that brand and link authority required to gain natural search visibility for popular/competitive non-branded search queries.
We dedicated ourselves to developing content clusters that supported our 5 keyword themes using in-depth articles, guides, tools and calculators, how to’s, what is and answers to frequently asked questions. Our content strategy also focused on search query chains, specifically the user journey and ensuring that Acquire Credit was presenting throughout Google’s “People Also Ask” & “Related Searches” features.