Green Roses Limited is a franchise-based education organization dedicated to helping students develop a genuine love of learning. Green Roses has built a reputation as the industry’s most personalized and effective learning center, consisting of passionate, nurturing, and encouraging education professionals committed to providing an enriching student experience in its local community. It was Mega.Net’s job to help Green Roses communicate these values to both US entrepreneurs interested in a franchise-based the community and people interested in the education business as well as parents interested in enrolling their children.
We executed a content strategy for Green Roses Limited, compromised of:
Print Marketing
Digital Campaigns
Social media graphics
We learned that success would come when entrepreneur recognized the Green Roses brand to be the counties most effective school and learning center. Mega.Net helped Green Roses more clearly understand the essence of their organization – Building a love of learning environment that inspires the community and parents and enriches the lives of our students – and led us to the new tagline that explains who Green Roses is and what it stands for: Green Roses stands for kids.
Mega.Net took this new language and applied it to freshly designed marketing materials that better communicated this positioning with an enhanced color palette and progressive imagery. This new language, along with a bright, updated brand look has helped the marketplace to better understand that Green Roses stands for opportunity, Green Roses stand for confidence, Green Roses stands for kids.