Humans are filled with pure potential and energy. Most of the times, after a hard days work they look or fantasize about a gate away, some place. Most of the time this place is usually one that inlves a safari, and Kenya being a safari destination, Spurwing Travel & Tours engaged us to deliver direct messaging, and change the image to how they communicate to their clients out there.
Mega.Net has been a trusted partner of Spurwing since their initial 2012 re-launch. After experiencing considerable growth in its hometown market of Kenya, Spurwing felt primed to expand its services further across the world. Mega.Net’s goal was to launch their new services in the already crowded travel & tourism space without being un unique. Ready, set, go!
We worked with Spurwing Travel & Tours Limited to create weekly content for social media, run Google Ads campaigns, improve their site’s SEO fitness and so much more. The team at Spurwing Travel & Tours Limited was thrilled with the results and continue to work with us to further develop their online presence.
We executed a content strategy for Everest Enterprises Limited, compromised of:
Website developement
Print Marketing
Social media graphics
Print assets
Spurwing productsaresoldin all over the world.Ourearlymarketingsuccessgainedtheattentionofsomethetopretailbuyersand customer clientele.